Join Algorithms


优秀的数据库设计应该减少数据冗余。而我们的 Joins 应该要做到这一点。

本篇关注两个针对两个表的 inner equijoin 算法。 equijoin 算法是对于 keys 一样的表。

Operator Output

对于一个 tuple rRr \in R 和另一个 tuple sSs \in S 要匹配 join 属性,join 操作会串联 rrss。 其内容取决于 processing model, storage model, and the query itself。 两种方法决定输出的内容的方式:

  • Data: 直接把所有值拷贝到输出表中,这样不需要回头再看初始表。缺点是需要更多的内存来存储表,

  • Record Ids:仅仅拷贝 join keys,其他的拷贝其相对应的 record ids。这是列式存储的理想方法,因为 DBMS 不需要任何 query 不需要的数据。这个称作 late materialization

Cost Analysis

如果数据量过大,势必要溢出到硬盘上,I/O 次数就是我们衡量 join 算法的标准。

Variables used in this lecture:

M pages in table R (Outer Table), m tuples total

N pages in table S (Inner Table), n tuples total

Nested Loop Join

Simple Nested Loop Join

最简单也是最蠢的做法,就是双重嵌套循环 join,很简单,两个表,两个 for 循环,如果满足我的 join 谓词,那么输出。一般而言 DBMS 会让 smaller 的 table 作为 outer for。 Cost: M+(m×N)M + (m × N)

Block Nested Loop Join

这个算法的意思是在外层加上两次循环,分别对于 outer table block 和 inner table block。这样做以 block 为单位,减少了一些 I/O。 Cost: M+(M×N)M + (M × N)

当然以上是以 3 个 buffers 为计算量,如果分配了 B 个 buffers,一个分配给 inner block,一个分配给 input block,剩余的都分配为 outer block。 Cost: M+(M(B2)×N)M +(\lceil{M \over (B - 2)}\rceil × N)

Index Nested Loop Join

如果 inner table 有 index,速度还可以再提升,因为我们不用一次次的扫描整个磁盘,而是使用索引直接找到。

Cost: M+(m×C)M + (m × C)


  • Pick the smaller table as the outer table.

  • Buffer as much of the outer table in memory as possible.

  • Loop over the inner table or use an index.

Sort-Merge Join

Phase #1: Sort

  • Sort both tables on the join key(s).

  • We can use the external merge sort algorithm that we talked about last class.

Phase #2: Merge

  • Step through the two sorted tables with cursors and emit

  • matching tuples.

  • May need to backtrack depending on the join type.

  • Sort Cost for Table R: 2M×1+logB1MB2M × 1 + {\lceil \log_{B-1}{\lceil {M \over B} \rceil} \rceil}

  • Sort Cost for Table S: 2N×1+logB1NB2N × 1 + {\lceil \log_{B-1}{\lceil {N \over B} \rceil} \rceil}

  • Merge Cost: (M+N)(M + N)


  • One or both tables are already sorted on join key.

  • Output must be sorted on join key.

  • The input relations may be sorted by either by an explicit sort operator, or by scanning the relation using an index on the join key.

Hash Join

Hash Join 的 high level 思想是把 join attributes 通过 hash table 分成 small chuncks,这样就减少了各式各样的比较运算了。

Phase #1: Build

  • Scan the outer relation and populate a hash table using the hash function h1 on the join attributes.

Phase #2: Probe

  • Scan the inner relation and use h1 on each tuple to jump to a location in the hash table and find a matching tuple.


Grace Hash Join / Hybrid Hash Join

  • Build Phase: Hash both tables on the join attribute into partitions.

  • Probe Phase: Compares tuples in corresponding partitions for each table.

Partitioning Phase Cost: 2×(M+N)2 × (M + N) Probe Phase Cost: (M+N)(M + N) Total Cost: 3×(M+N)3 × (M + N)


IO Cost

Simple Nested Loop Join

1.3 hours

Block Nested Loop Join


Index Nested Loop Join

20 seconds

Sort-Merge Join

0.59 seconds

Hash Join

0.45 seconds


Hash join 几乎是最好的选择胜过 sort-merge join。当然在一些情况 sort-merge 更优。所以 DBMS 会混用这两种算法。
