Index Concurrency Control


Locks vs. Latches




User Transactions



Database Contents

In-Memory Data Structures


Entire Transactions

Critical Sections


Shared, Exclusive, Update, Intention

Read, Write


Detection & Resolution



Waits-for, Timeout, Aborts

Coding Discipline

Kept in…

Lock Manager

Protected Data Structure

简单来说,Latches 是针对下层的线程的概念用于保护数据结构,它有读写之分,分别用于不同的临界情况。而 Lockes 是对于上层的事务的概念用于保护数据内容,针对事务的分享、更新等。

Latch Modes

  • Read Mode

    1. Multiple threads can read the same object at the same time.

    2. A thread can acquire the read latch if another thread has it in read mode.

  • Write Mode

    1. Only one thread can access the object.

    2. A thread cannot acquire a write latch if another thread has it in any mode.


Latch Implementations


Blocking OS Mutex

说的就是 std::mutex,但其实用 OS 提供的锁并不好,它是会启用 OS 的线程调度,那样就太昂贵了且不可扩展。所以基本不会用。

Test-and-Set Spin Latch (TAS)

自己实现 spin latches 是一个更好的替代品相较于 OS mutex。简单来说就是第一个进入 spin 的线程通过,其他进入 spin 的都会陷入 while 循环中或者交给 OS 重新调度。但是这样不可扩展,对 cache 不友好,

Reader-Writer Latches

  • Allows for concurrent readers

  • Must manage read/write queues to avoid starvation

  • Can be implemented on top of spin latches

Hash Table Latching

给 hash table 上锁很简单,因为 hash table 都是单向的,直接上锁,到下一个的时候,解除上一个即可。 不过上锁有两种方式。

  • Approach #1: Page Latches

    1. Each page has its own reader-writer latch that protects its entire contents.

    2. Threads acquire either a read or write latch before they access a page.

  • Approach #2: Slot Latches

    1. Each slot has its own latch.

    2. Can use a single-mode latch to reduce meta-data and computational overhead.

当然也可能实现 lock-free 代码,这就不细说了,太难了。

B+ Tree Concurrency Control

重头戏来了,我们希望有多个线程能够在 B+ Tree 上在同一时间读取和更新数据。有两个难点。

  • 多个线程在同一时间修改 node 的内容。

  • 一个线程遍历 tree 同时另一个线程 split/merge node。

Latch Crabbing/Coupling

Basic Idea:

  • Get latch for parent

  • Get latch for child

  • Release latch for parent if “safe”

A safe node is one that will not split or merge when updated.

  • Not full (on insertion)

  • More than half-full (on deletion)

两种操作: Find: Start at root and go down; repeatedly,

  • Acquire R latch on child

  • Then unlatch parent

Insert/Delete: Start at root and go down, obtaining W latches as needed. Once child is latched, check if it is safe:

  • If child is safe, release all latches on ancestors

Better Latching Algorithm

Search: Same as before. Insert/Delete:

  • Set latches as if for search, get to leaf, and set W latch on leaf.

  • If leaf is not safe, release all latches, and restart thread using previous insert/delete protocol with write latches.

乐观锁其实相较于朴素锁,就是假设 split/merge 的操作并不多,每次我都优先获取 read 锁,当到达 leaf node 看是否 split/merge,如果不,则获取写锁,更新,如果是,则重新来一遍朴素锁的过程。

Leaf Node Scans

通常做范围查询时,会在 leaf node 进行横向扫描,这个时候如果出现两个不同方向的 scan 时,就会 deadlock。解决办法是如果一个锁要等等待时,就不等待直接 abort,重现操作。
